Ken Greenley | Temporary Guaranteed Shelter | Iniquity Press

by Ken Greenley

Iniquity Press / Vendetta Books

2004. Illustrations by Mike Romoth.

Ken Greenley

is a writer who lives in Denver, Colorado. The number of places he’s lived is only exceeded by the number of job’s he’s had. Greenley likes to explore the themes of class division (in a supposedly classless country), the struggle to stay spiritual in the modern world, and the growth episodes that occur in childhood. He thinks art, particularly writing, should combat media brainwashing, and should examine the clash between what we’re told and what really happens. He tries to make his material as fuuny as possible, because he finds it hard to make modern life seriously, and considers it his mission “to make people laugh and think at the same time.”

Mike Romoth

is a writer/visual artist living in Denver, Colorado. He has worked for over ten years as a freelance editor and writer for an environmental research publication from Lexis Nexis. His indepth knowledge of the on-going War Against The Natural World prompted him to open his studio/gallery Apocalypse Boutique in the year 2000. In the summer of 2002, he had an article on climate change published as the cover story for the Village Voice. He is currently working with the editor of Howling Dog Press on a book length manuscript on global warming and climate change, tentatively titled Imminent Impact: Climate Change and the Crime of the Century. His work is regularly published in the Omega online journal, which can be found at

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