The M.etropolis Free Jazz & Outlaw Poetry M.arketplace is a new platform to present many of the ‘unheard’ and ‘unread’ to the public. It allows free jazz improv artists, outlaw poets, publishers, record labels and dedicated listeners and readers to come together and enjoy the benefits of an online community. To:
- Read and listen to great niche artists;
- Discover more work or new artists;
- Buy CD’s, vinyl records, books and downloads from the many record labels, publishers and independent artists that are present on our marketplace;
- Sell your second hand records.
At this point, the new platform is a work in progress. Many of the above is not ready for public yet. But while we are building features and adding more record labels, publishers and independent artists, we are always happy to talk to you.
Are you an artist, record label or publisher of niche free jazz, free improv or outlaw poetry?
Contact us about your work and we might have a space on our marketplace available for you. Our server space is not unlimited so it’s first come first serve, if you’re eligible of course.
Are you a dedicated listener/reader of the unheard/unread?
Leave us a quick note, question or suggestion and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
The Free Jazz and Outlaw Poetry Downloads: on-line source for improvised, innovative, adventurous and unheard music and dangerous poetry. We listen to music and read artists who don’t even exist yet. The Download Shop is part of the Metropolis Media Group, a constantly growing cyber adventure.
This website is part of the Free Jazz & Outlaw Poetry Network which has become one of the most valuable sources of information on both Free Jazz and Outlaw Poetry. Be careful when you start browsing the network, you will be lost for several months!
Yours truthfully,
Monsieur K and RavanH
– the Free Jazz and Outlaw Poetry Team.
So what can you find here on this Network?
Quality downloads
Quality MP3 jazz and poetry downloads. And service. Plain and simple. Browse these pages or do a search for that lesser known artists and you might just find an interesting release. You will notice a short description, a track list and cover/album art images. And… one or two sample tracks to listen to before you decide. These tracks are of the same quality as all the others included in each release. In most cases this is 192kbps MP3 which should satisfy most but if you insist on the full CD or vinyl quality, please check out Metropolis | The Shop on The Free Jazz & Outlaw Poetry Network.
You will notice that below each release there is a section called Reviews & Comments. Here you might find reviews that where published in well known media but also reviews and comments by regular visitors who may have bought that release and want to share their opinion.
And so can you. Please do not hesitate and write all you have to say about a particular release and — although we reserve the right to moderate all submissions — it will be published below it. We value your opinion!
We are set on giving a satisfactory experience. We aim to keep this website easy to navigate and the process of purchasing and downloading as simple as possible. You can read more about it on our Help section. If there arise any questions or problems browsing this website or purchasing releases, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Legal Notice
All downloads offered on this website are legal and with the artists and publishers consent. With your purchase you get the included audio and image files for personal use. Duplication for the same is allowed but NOT for redistribution nor use for public broadcast or other publication. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.