Hubert Bergmann | La zone de mémoire | Mudoks Record

La zone de mèmoire erzählt von den Personen die in Palästina leben, dorthin reisen, eingewandert sind , oder sich dort in verschiedenen Situationen (wieder) finden, dort leben oder dort waren, wirken und auch sich verwirkt haben. Alle wandeln sie von einer zur nächsten imaginären inneren wie äußeren Grenze, über den nächsten Checkpoint, die endlosen Rollen von Stacheldraht und Mauern die das Land in eine einzige Sperr- und Grenzfläche verunstalten. Grenzen und Mauern in den Köpfen der Menschen, obwohl es keine offiziellen Grenzen gibt um eine solche aber brutal und blutig gestritten bzw. “verhandelt” wird. Sie Alle sind GRENZGÄNGER in einem von Stacheldraht und Mauern durchzogenen Land, Vertriebene und Vertreiber, die mit ihrem fragmentieren Leben immer wieder die unbedingte Grenzüberschreitung wachrufen. — Hubert Bergmann Continue reading

Hubert Bergmann | Spurwechsel | Mudoks Record

SPURWECHSEL | a film by Hubert Bergmann 2002/2014 Anlässlich eines Projektes mit autistischen Jugendlichen innerhalb dessen die „Bilder einer Ausstellung“ von Modest Mussorgski an öffentlichen Plätzen szenisch-musikalisch aufgeführt werden, entsteht dieser Film, der an den stummen Innenräumen der Protagonisten partizipiert. Durch verschiedene Perspektivwechsel, gesprochenen Texten der „sprachlosen“ Jugendlichen (gestützte Kommunikation) und Zu-Deutung wird ihnen zur Sprache im öffentlichen Raum verholfen. So wechseln die Darsteller ohne dies zunächst zu ahnen (oder vielleicht doch?) zwischen ihren „verrückten“ Innen Räumen und den normalen Außenräumen, den Orten der Performances hin und her. Schließlich wird spürbar was der Schriftsteller Arno Gruen auf den Punkt bringt. „Der Wahnsinn der Normalität“, als Spiegel des Satzes: „Ganz normaler Wahnsinn“. Nur, wer und was ist Wahn.. Sinn.. ig…..?!? — Hubert Bergmann Continue reading

Henry Kuntz | The Ecstatic Center | HBD 02 | Free Download

HENRY KUNTZ: Nepalese Flute & Soprano Recorder (played together), Morocco double-reed Rhaita, Tenor Saxophone. Performance of July 25, 1999 Beanbenders at Fine Arts Theatre Berkeley, California. On-location digital recording and original mastering & mix by Michael Zelner. Thanks to Dan Plonsey who invited me to play at Beanbenders and to Michael Zelner who exquisitely captured the diverse sounds of the instruments. Continue reading

EX-P | Ancora Saigon | fratto 9

Improvisation and an estranged kind of sound are still the main features, searched inside the huge territories of rock. We’re aware of being a little late, we often look to a musical world and way of making music that’s run beside the times. The two electric basses can explore deeply the heaviness and versatility of the only true contemporary musical instrument, so technologic on the surface and neo-tribal at the core. Drums can distract from rhythms, sometimes becoming an acoustic colour and environmental noise generator. Continue reading

EX-P | Carpaccio Esistenziale | fratto 9

Entity formed by musicians strongly professing their psychedelic faith sons of post-modern breaking-up, incapable of choosing between jazz noise and Italian tunes of Japanese manga, ill at ease in paying our respects both to Pink Floyd and to the most tremendous metal. After ten years, conflagration leaves room to the need of building up a more constant and meditative way, creating EX-P. Continue reading

A Spirale | Agaspastik | fratto 9

Try to imagine Kevin Drumm and Bhob Rainey playing rock together, with a drummer that deviate their already deviant music playing something coming from the sixties. The aim is to make music “not playing” (barbarous music, quoting Cornelius Cardew), a torn body that spits blood, whose only movement is generated by spastic contractions due to injuries. Agaspastik represents the “step beyond” of A Spirale, that from electroacoustic destructuration of “Porosità” (cd-r) and “Gariga” (SM – 1360) expand their range of possibility and control over the sound matter, losing themselves in the languages of radical improvisation, of power noise, of punk… Very dark and violent music, with bewildering moments of melody… Continue reading

Andrea Marutti | Fausto Balbo | Detrimental Dialogue | fratto 9

Andrea Marutti and Fausto Balbo have met in 2005 at Lab12 in Vigevano; both active in music making since more than fifteen years, their friendship has grown over the years on the fertile ground of the interest that they share about electronic experimentation and their wide and open-minded listening habits. “Detrimental Dialogue”, their very first collaboration, deeply explores various types of analogue and digital synthesis (additive, subtractive, Physical Modeling, FM, Phase Distortion, Granular, etc.) and live electronics elements. Recorded together in the authors’ studios and then worked out in seclusion between 2007 and 2009, the tracks on “Detrimental Dialogue” were subsequently redefined during a one-week long collective mixing session rigorously made with analogue equipment and precious outboard effects at Fausto Balbo’s studio. Continue reading

Aspec(t) | Waspnest | fratto 9

Aspec(t) are SEC_ and Mario Gabola from Naples, Italy. SEC_ plays electronics through laptop. processed tapes, and analog synthesizer. Mario plays saxophone and feedbacks through a System of resonant dru m s and small speakers. Their music shares the timbrical research and the execution control typical of some radical irapro music (Pateras/Baxter/Brown, John Butcher, Jim Denley, Bruce Russell,..), but meets the visceral intensity and the obscure poetic of thé new aktionsm and of noise music (Rudolf, Dave Phillips, Joke Lanz) as well as the research on analog devices and concrete sound materials of the sonic poetry (Lionel Marchetti, Jérôme Noetinger). The resuit is a fascinating and inextricable forest of sounds: frenetic structures, noise explosions, ancestral cries, an unceasing perversion of the soundscape and the time stream. Continue reading

Stefano Luigi Mangia | Gianni Lenoci | John Cage cagExperience | Amirani Records

S.L.Mangia has a beautifully flexible voice: extraordinaire extension, multiphonic clearness and a strong lyrical tone that always delivers emotion and elegance. Echoing some Demetrio Stratos peculiar feautures, bending pitches and being simply intense from the sublte whisper to the open throat singing, S.L.Mangia gives here one of his best performances, opening possibilities and getting a new glance to the marvelous and unpredictable John Cage’ s compositions. The voice is supported by experience and classy touch of Gianni Lenoci, a name often appearing on Amirani Records. A nice Mesostic written by Mr. Stefano Pocci appears on the booklet and completes a beautiful record. So be sure to find here a top class Amirani records release! Continue reading