Gerald Locklin (poems) & Beth Wilson (stories) ©2010
All Rights Reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced without express written permission of the authors, except for purposes of review.
ISBN 978-1-929878-08-6 | First edition. Lummox Press PO Box 5301 San Pedro, CA 90733 Printed in the United States of America
Acknowledgements: Good in Bed and Vanessa Bell: Charleston Gardens, 1933 first appeared in The New York Quarterly; other poems first appeared in Ambit (London); Askew; Big Hammer; Chiron Review; Coagula Art Journal; Fight These Bastards; 5 AM; Freefall; Genre; Iconoclast; King’s Estate Press; La Nouvelle Revue Moderne (Paris); Minotaur; Nerve Cowboy; Pearl; Presa; Quercus Review; Silt Reader; Slipstream; Southern California Review (USC); and Tears in the Fence (Dorset).
Dedications to RD Armstrong, Beth Wilson, Eileen Klink, and all my loyal editors and publishers who selflessly do so much for so many. —Gerald Locklin
Thanks to Gerry, RD, Chris, and everyone else who had a part in getting my work out there so people can see it. And thanks to Ken for taking care of everything so I would have time to write. —Beth Wilson
The Oxford Companion to Twentieth Century Literature in English acknowledges that Gerald Locklin is “a central figure in the vitality of Los Angeles writing.” That sentence may actually understate his importance. —Gerald Haslam
Beth Wilson’s stories examine with an incisive eye, an accurate ear, and a subtlety that is both ironic and sympathetic the lives of characters drawn from the Oklahoma/Texas subcontinent. We hail in this volume the debut of yet another gifted practitioner of that most American of literary forms: The Short Story. —Gerald Locklin
Gerald Locklin is a Professor Emeritus of English at California State University, Long Beach, where he continues teaching as an occasional parttime lecturer there and in the Master of Professional Writing Program at USC. His most recent books are Gerald Locklin: New and Selected Poems, World Parade Books, 2008; The Plot of Il Trovatore, Kamini Books, 2009; A Sinatra Sequence, Zerx Press, 2009; and The Dodger’s Retirement Party: A Novella, from Aortic Press, 2010. Selected Recent Stories is forthcoming in 2010 from World Parade Books. He is also the subject of the 512 page Gerald Locklin: A Critical Introduction, edited by Michael Basinski, from BlazeVOX Books, 2010. See also: – – – – – – – – The Gerald Locklin Collection is archived here…
Beth Wilson was born and raised in Oklahoma. She got a Bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Central Oklahoma, and a Library Science degree from the University of Oklahoma. It was while she was studying creative writing at UCO that she met the poet and author Gerald Locklin, and an immediate friendship sprang up that has been maintained over time and half the country mainly by e-mail. As a full-time reference librarian and mother of two small children, Beth writes short stories and poetry whenever she can find a few minutes strung together. This usually means that she doesn’t get much sleep. But, after all, that’s what coffee is for. She uses her own observations and experiences from the “heartland” as well as stories she gathers from her husband and friends to fuel her writing. Her chapbook, School of Sky, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She prefers to write near a window so she can look outside and see what the weather is doing.
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