We give you a CD that is a product of our thoughts, fascinations, and several months’ hard work. The material included on it is a selection of compositions by Polish 20th-century contemporary composers, from the early post-war years up to the present hence the names Grazyna Bacewicz, Stefan Kisieleswski, Marzena Komsta, Witold Lutoslawski, and Krzysztof Penderecki show up here, as do pieces from various periods of their creativity. The choice of these, as opposed to other compositions was influenced in equal measure by our tastes/our bent towards chamber, music, as well as prosaic factors such as availabilifty of scores. All compositions on the CD used what is known as classical notation, which was our choice. We applied available contemporary compositional techniques, however, in the construction, or definition, of the form of improvisation. Despite the fact that our primary inspiration was that of the themes of the original compositions, it was in the forms of the respective pieces that we sought variation, while maintaining an affinity with 20th-century contemporary music. Thanks to the fact that it was possible to invite such outstanding improvisers as Rudi Mahall and Mircea Tiberian to participate, we were largely successful in achieving this. — Marcin & Bartlomiej “Brat” Oles Continue reading →