Introduction to Tales of the Troll
I always hate to write my own introductions. Maybe someday I will budget my time correctly so I might ask someone else to do it for me. That day has not yet come.
I came across a laptop computer in the ruins of an old farmhouse in Lake Ninevah, Vermont. When I booted it up, these stories opened up. It seemed as if some junkie was spinning tall tales but I thought you might like to have a look at one alternative reality, so I put them into print.
These stories were all told, during one time period or another, at a dope house which everyone thinks is in New York City. It is really in Cynosure. You can look up that word in the dictionary and it will give you an idea as to the nature of the area where the heroin house is located.
Being violently opposed to long introductions, especially when I am the one writing them, I shall bring this one to a close. Let me just say that I believe that these stories are true. Why do I accept, as truth, words that appear to be written by a dope fiend?
It is because I, with my mind’s own eye, have seen the face of Ar Lain Ta. I also believe in Demons and Angels. — Marc D. Goldfinger, July 21, 2015.
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