BAYOU SECO is a family of musicians led by Ken Keppeler and Jeanie McLerie. For twenty six years they have been delighting New Mexico and the World with their multi-cultural and multi-lingual songs of the Southwest and Beyond. Ken plays the 1 and 3 row diatonic accordians, fiddle, banjo, harmonica, jaw harp and he sings too. Jeanie plays guitar, five string fiddles, charango, and a bit of kazoo and does most of the singing. On this recording they are ablely joined by Terry Bluhm (electric and acoustic bass throughout); Jefferson Voorhees (drums #1,2,5,8, and Tarahumara drum#9), Stewart Mennin (clarinet# 1); Mark Weaver (tuba#3,10,15); Scott Mathis (vocals#3,7,8, mandolin#7,11); Linda Askew (guitar#7,11,vocals#3&7); Dave Bryan (vocals #4,16); Blake Minnerly (tenor sax and guitar #2); Scott Jarrett (egg shaker #2, drum #11, triangle #14).
Tracklist: 1.Same Old Moon (© F. Leopold- J.McLerie/Buvette BMI) | 2. Use It Again (© J.McLerie – K.Keppeler/Buvette BMI) | 3. Waltzing With Bears (© D.Marxen/Tomorrow River Music) | 4. Greenfield Rocky Road (Trad.) | 5. The Cactus Song (© J. McLerie – K. Keppeler/Buvette BMI) | 6. Quit That Tickling Me (Trad.) | 7. My Rhinoceros (© Edward Lipton) | 8. Papa’s on the Housetop (Trad.) | 9. Los Burros (Trad.) | 10. Their Brains Were Small (©M.Graham/Paul Craft BMI) | 11. Caballito Blanco/ Paul’s White Sox (© Elliott Johnson) | 12. I’ve Got A Song (M. Reynolds/Schroeder Music) | 13. Los Animales (Trad.) | 14. Saute Crapaud (Trad.) | 15. The Dynamite Reader (© J.McLerie-K.Keppeler/Buvette BMI) | 16. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (© Words:Ann & Jane Taylor)