Edition number twenty-three by Amirani records is The Shoreditch Concert.
Live recorded in St. Leonard’s Shoreditch Church in London, here is a stunning, colourful, perfectly balanced, awesome concert.
T H E S H O R E D I T C H C O N C E R T tracklist: 1. _How D the D is 2. _Act on your speech 3. _tensive/pensive 4. _The bending attitude 5._Where lies the final harbor, whence we unmoor no more?
c r e d i t s : Hannah Marshall _ cello | Nicola Guazzaloca _ piano | Gianni Mimmo _ soprano sax | Leila Adu_ voice | Live recording _2009, October the 30th | St. Leonards’s Shoreditch Church, London, UK. | Music _ H.Marshall, N.Guazzaloca, G.Mimmo, L.Adu | Liner note _ Dario Palermo | Cover painting _ Toti Scialoja | Production _ Gianni Mimmo for Amirani Records | The title of track n.5 is a qoute from Moby Dick by Herman Melville. | Our thanks go to Mr. John Russell for his inspiring presence and to Revd. Paul Turp, Rector of St. Leonard’s Church.