— Ultra Americana Deluxe —
THE BUBBADINOS: Stefan Dill – flamenco guitar, double-neck electric, hubcaps. Mark Weaver – tuba, trombone, hubcaps. Ken Keppeler – banjo, harmonica, mandolin, accordion, harmony vocal, gritas de Lobo Mexicano, fiddle, jaw harp. Bubba D – lap steel, bass flute, piano, bells, Schroeder piano. Mark Weber – Okie guitar, vocals, violin, piano.
Recorded on May 9,1999 in Albuquerque (except solo tracks) Recording and Mastering by Quincy Adams. Mixed by DQW w/assist from The Jackson Pollock Memorial Ambiance Enhancement Device Pallbearers — Craig Goldsmith & Queenellen, and thanks to Julie Weaver for the use of her piano on track 12. ZERX # 021
Tracklist: 1. Death Don’t Have No Mercy (Trad.) (4:02) 2. Suzy Got Famous, Then She Got Dead (2:03) 3. Bars of the Prison – Ken solo (1:36) 4. Trooper’s Return (2:14) 5. The Living End (2:36) 6. Goin’ Home – Dino solo (2:13) 7. You Are My Sunshine (Davis & Mitchell) (2:52) 8. Greenville (Lucinda Williams) (3:30) 9. Hard Times (Stephen Foster) (2:44) 10. Winter of ’99 (3:36) 11. Singing the Blues (MelvinEndslyy) (1:10) 12. Poundin’ the Ivories – Weber solo (:54) 13. Clementine (:51) 14. Yankee Doodle (1:11) 15. O Susanna (:34) 16. Glory Camp (1:13) 17. Closer Walk With Thee – Weaver solo (2:08) 18. There’s Always Mexico (1:22) 19. Cielito Lindo (1:03) 20. poem/Ashokan Farewell (Weber/Jay Ungar) (4:16) 21. Amazing Grace – Stefan solo (2:17) 22. The Mountain (Steve Earle) (3:15) 23. The Big Offramps of Life (3:26) 24. Party Line (3:57) 25. O Bury Me Not (:16)