by Ken Greenley
Iniquity Press / Vendetta Books
Illustrations by Angela Mark.
Ken Greenley
is a writer living and working in Denver, Colorado. The number of places he’s lived is only exceeded by the number of Jobs he’s had. Greenley like to explore the themes of class division (in a supposedly classless country), the struggle to stay spiritual in the modern world, and first-time experiences of any kind. He thinks art, particulary writing, should combat media brainwashing and examine the clash between what we’re told and what really happens. His work has appeared in numerous small press publications, such as Big Hammer, Philadelphia Poets, and The Bukowski Hangover Project.
Angela Mark runs American Living Press and Shark Art Studios, in Jamaica Plains, MA, with her husband, the artist Michael Shores. Her art work appears regularly in Big Hammer and other Small Press Publications. To see more of her work go here…
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