Mary Rising Higgins is the author of : red table(S (La Alameda Press, 1999), oclock (Potes and Poets, 2000), )locus TIDES(( (Potes and Poets, 2002), and)cliff TIDES(( (Singing Horse Press, 2005), Greatest Hits, 1990-2001 (Pudding House 2002), )joule TIDES(( (Singing Horse 2007) and Borderlining: Pieces from R and B (Small Chapbook Project 2007) Her poems, published in oversize formats, are carefully patterned and “shaped” on the page both to produce a striking visual component and to invite alternative soundings. Lyn Hejinian says of Higgins’ poetry,“it is work of précise inventions, work of imaginings that are carefully fantastical, compassionately observed.” Her poems have appeared in such magazines and journals as Blue Mesa Review, Cafe Solo, Big Allis, ecopoetics and Central Park, and she recorded poems for Vox Audio. She lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mary Rising Higgins, innovative poet, friend and colleague of many years, died in Albuquerque on August 26, 2007. Her poetry was startling and radiant, and it had gained well-deserved recognition in recent years.
More on Mary Rising Higgins
can be read in an interview in her home in Albuquerque on February 11, 2007, just before her 63rd birthday made by Bruce Holsapple and John Tritica. Two months after the interview, Mary again became ill from complications of breast cancer and began receiving hospice care. She died on August 26, 2007. Please go here… to read the interview.
listen to Mary Rising Higgins | Towards
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