Flowers in the Shadow of the Storm
Poems by Christopher Cunningham
62 pages. ISBN 978-0-9769857-7-8 | 5″ x 8″, trade paperback | Features a letterpress-printed cover hand-painted by the author. | First edition of 100
“Mr. Cunningham’s eighth chapbook is no mere wisp of a stapled chap…but a formally bound book. … The poems inside Flowers do justice to the presentation. Succinct and imagistic, Cunningham’s poems brought me into nameless towns, bedsides strewn with cold sheets, grayness through windows, and the feeling one gets awakening yet again to ‘a bleeding morning,’ ‘waiting on the sun.’ There are only 100 copies in this first run, and I’m buying mine now, so hurry! This is a rare find.” — The Guild of Outsider Writers.