John Bennett | The Book of Shards | Hcolom Press | E-Book

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The Book of Shards

The most comprehensive collection of Bennett’s Shards to date. 317 pages. Hcolom Press, 605 E. 5th Ave. Ellensburg, WA 98926

©2013 John Bennett. ISBN: 978-0-9776783-7-S. Cover Design & Book Layout: Chris Yeseta. Author Photo: Ken Slusher. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form without permission from the author, except for brief passages used in reviews. HCOLOM PRESS (formerly Vagabond Press) 605 E. Fifth Avenue Ellensburg, WA 98926

Some of the Shards in this book have seen previous publication in:

Basho’s Road | Bicycle Review | Big Hammer | Black & Blue | Chanticleer – Cheyenne of the Mind (D Press) | Drive By (Lummox Press) | Pull Metal | Green Panda | Haggard & Halo | Lilliput Review | Los Posey | Mas Tequila Review | Mystery Island | Unlikely Stories | Vindicated in the Blood of the Lamb (Bottle of Smoke Press) | Word Riot | Fire in the Hole (Argonne House Press)

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