Jon Rose, Martin Wesley Smith, Kendal Country, Joe ‘Doc’ Rosenberg, Michael Sheridan, Brahms, John Gillies, Rik Rue, Tony Hobbs, Simone de Haan, Dave Ellis, Serge Ermoll, Louis Burdett, The Canberra School of Music Third Orchestra, Greg Kingston, Adrian Keenan, Peter Kelly, Torsten Müller, Richard Vella, Jeff Wagner, Jamie Fielding, Jim Denley
Chopped up and sorted at Steim Studios, Amsterdam, July 1998. © copyright Jon Rose and all musicians. Photographs – Kristin Rose, Konstanze Binder. Two CD’s (almost 150 minutes) worth of archival material from the 70’s and 80’s handpicked by Jon Rose with detailed liner notes. The music constitutes his experimental work in Australia with many home made instruments.