Blues For All Of Us
Julia Vinograd
ISBN: 0-929730-66-6 | Copyright 2000
…After graduating from UC in 1965, Vinograd headed off to the University of Iowa for her Masters of Fine Arts, and then, two years later, it was back to Berkeley. “When I left, all the girls looked like secretaries and all the boys looked like law clerks,” she said. “When I came back, there’d been a cultural revolution. Now they all looked like they’d just walked off a tapestry. I wandered around the streets with my notebook and tried to capture it all.” It wasn’t just a notebook she carried as she made her entry into the world of street poetry. Vinograd quickly established herself as “the Bubble Lady” for the bubbles she created to entertain children. “I basically do one book a year now and I blow bubbles for the kids. Otherwise, I’m useless,” she quips. In the early years it was two books a year, slim volumes created with a mimeograph machine and a stapler. Today’s books offer twice as many poems, slick covers, and machine bindings…Please read more on this here…