Matt Rader | Living Things | Gazelle Books

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Living Things

Matt Rader

Author: Matt Rader | ISBN: 0889712239 : 9780889712232 | Format: Paperback | Size: 135 x 190mm | Pages: 80 | Weight: .1 Kg. | Published: Harbour Publishing (Nightwood Editions) – April 2008 | Availability: In Print | Subjects: Poetry texts & anthologies

Written in the year after the birth of Matt Rader’s first daughter, “Living Things”

honestly introduces the contradictions of the modern world: “how what we see in daylight is less than whole / and also more so”. Using words in lieu of sonar, these poems bounce off the ecology of “shabby saturated grasses” and “panther-eyed armies salal” and locate both author and reader within a literary geneology, Matt Rader’s poetry brings subtle slowness to a chaotic, fast-paced environment. It is both celebration and documentation of this world and its relationship to all living things.