At Acequia Booksellers in Albuquerque, NM February 2008
Edited by Bruce Holsapple. Copyright 2008 Mera Wolf, Todd Moore and Vox Audio. Vox Audio PO Box 594 Magdalena NM 87825
Todd Moore
is best known for his long poem DILLINGER. Since 1970 he has written and published more than a hundred books and chapbooks and his poetry has appeared in more than a thousand literary journals and magazines. He is one of the founders of the Outlaw Poetry Movement. He will be reading from his recent chapbooks Relentless and Tell the Corpse a Story. Both books deal with the Dillinger mythos.
Mera Wolf
when recently asked by a young woman to describe her profession, responded, “I’m a cosmologist.” “That’s just wonderful,” replied the young woman, “Do you also do nails?” After 35 years of learning, volunteering, working, child-raising, writing, and teaching, Wolf earned her Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico in 2002. Currently, while still juggling all six activities, she is writing a novel in serial form, and completing a screenplay. Mera Wolf is the author of two chapbooks, May Day and Lost Things.
Much more on Todd Moore can be found by clicking here…
listen to Todd Moore
CD version (incl. shipment cost world-wide)