Harvey Pekar | on Frank Norris, Daniel Fuchs & George Ade | Iniquity Press

Harvey Lawrence Pekar (October 8, 1939 – July 12, 2010) was an American underground comic book writer, music critic, and media personality, best known for his autobiographical American Splendor comic series. In 2003, the series inspired a well-received film adaptation of the same name. Frequently described as the “poet laureate of Cleveland,” Pekar “helped change the appreciation for, and perceptions of, the graphic novel, the drawn memoir, the autobiographical comic narrative.” Pekar described his work as “autobiography written as it’s happening. The theme is about staying alive, getting a job, finding a mate, having a place to live, finding a creative outlet. Life is a war of attrition. You have to stay active on all fronts. It’s one thing after another. I’ve tried to control a chaotic universe. And it’s a losing battle. But I can’t let go. I’ve tried, but I can’t.” Continue reading

David Roskos | Lyrical Grain, Doggerel Chaff & Pedestrian Preoccupations | Iniquity Press

Some of these poems first appeared in the following publications: Anti-Lawn, Ash, Long Shot, DIONYSOS, The Journal of Literature & Addiction, Bouillabaisse, Down Town, Half Dozen of the Other, Windo Panes, Flipside, The National Alliance, Lame Duck, Lost & Found Times, HEATHENzine, Quimby, Drive-by Books, Nerve Bundle Review, Jack & Jill (Off), The Energy of the Flesh. — Thanks Editors. Continue reading

John Richey | For The Past Lifetime | Iniquity Press

This collection includes recent writings as well as poems previously published in Rolling Stone, Big Hammer, Half Dozen of the Other, and AlieNation (Unreadable Books, 1986). Art: Khue-Tu Nguyen, 1992. Photo: Lynn Forrest, 1992. For The Past Lifetime, 1992 by John Richey. ISBN-1-877968-06-4. John Richey lives in New Jersey. He is lyricist of Lunar Bear Ensemble and word-collage, tape manipulator for Machine Gun. Continue reading

Joe Weil | The Pursuit of Happiness | Iniquity Press

I like Joe’s precision of language, his insights: “I need a place (Elizabeth, New Jersey) where poets aren’t expected / I would go nuts in a town where everyone read Pound…I don’t think Manhattan needs another poet / I don’t think Maine could use me,” and, lower on the page, “Where nothing is sacred, everything is sacred / Where no one writes, the air seems strangely / charged with metaphor.” On the strength of that I recommend his work to you. — Harvey Pekar Continue reading

Kell Robertson | Iniquity Press | Three in One

In memory of Ben Hiatt. I did write you some stuff about Ben Hiatt didn’t? He was the first guy who really believed in my poetry. Got me started on my magazine…DESPERADO. Anyway man, give him credit for that. Maybe I should dedicate it to all the folks who gave me a shot with my writing. There have been damn few over the years. All the “fugitive” publications. And I’m honored to have Kryss doing the cover. Ride Easy. — Kell Robertson, November 20, 2008 Continue reading

David Roskos | Fall & All – Book One | Iniquity Press

Fall & All Book One | copyrite 2000 by David Roskos. Some of the poems in Fall & All were first published in The Black Swan Review, Big Scream, Big Hammer, New Jersey Bowel & Bladder Control, The Paterson Literary Review, Dionysos – The Journal of Literature & Addiction and in Poets on the line. I’d like to thank the editors of these magazines for their commitment to small press publishing.

This one is for Ayler. Continue reading

Ken Greenley | Uncle Sam’s Portrait | Iniquity Press

Ken Greenley is a writer living and working in Denver, Colorado. The number of places he’s lived is only exceeded by the number of Jobs he’s had. Greenley like to explore the themes of class division (in a supposedly classless country), the struggle to stay spiritual in the modern world, and first-time experiences of any kind. He thinks art, particulary writing, should combat media brainwashing and examine the clash between what we’re told and what really happens. His work has appeared in numerous small press publications, such as Big Hammer, Philadelphia Poets, and The Bukowski Hangover Project. Continue reading